Phewwww..after finished mock exam! It's time to parttaay!
Oh well, as for the last paper t4. I guess everyone kinda screw up with it! It was totally exhausted within 2 hours exam! I don't know what am I doing. I used all the time doing the subjective questions and i left out the objective questions! @@ the exam really making me sick! Thanks to some lecturer who come out with this 'simple' questions! My brain cells stop funtioning before 5 minutes end test! It was my first time which doing t4 paper and making me stress up.
Anyway, after the exam. We planned to headed to Mid Valley for movie. We watched 'The other guy' What a coincidence that G7 and G8 were there watching the same movie as us! Somehow I just felt that they want to spy on us! ( nahhh, just joking) but it was another memorable day with him. So happened that we met his ex at the same place and same movie. :S She knew we were there. She just dont want to face us by saying hi or anything. I wanted to go forward to say 'hi' to her. But seem like it's not the time to do so. So yeah, I will see how it goes then..
After that, We decided to go StarVillage for dinner. Ate LAME CHOP! i mean Lamb Chop! :) hah!
Lastly, my 'Famous Amos' cookies! I wont allowed any of family members to touch it! :P I know i'm being selfish! but thank you to mr.BOB!!
I finally cut my hair! It's short but too short! :P I wanted to dye my hair. but mom said no, it's better to dye end of the year. Once a year dye once! hah!
I found this very cute! awwww~!P/S : when you are down or feel lonely, trust yourself and don't give up, you know you better than anyone :)
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