Tuesday, April 1, 2008

April fool

He looks sooo cute while he sleeping..xD
April Fool day!
okay..i hate April fool day...cause is like everyone trying to lie to me..but the end only one person who caught me on April fool day..
Early in the morning come to school..Sook mun try to cheat me..
Something like this conversation today..
Sook Mun : Xm u drop ur purse..[she was pointing the area i drop]..
Me: [I like sooooo blurrr..]..wei..u cheat me wey!bad la u..!
Sook Mun : April FOOL!
Me: SWT!.....=.="
Yesterday after 12 midnight..i heard my message alert..it was sc messege me..
so he said he will be not coming back until next week..
he wanted to tell me earlier but he scared i worried about him..=/
Yet i was thinking..did he sure his coming back until next week?..
Unfortunely..it was April fool day!
I like to cheat people..but i doesn't like people to cheat me back!xD
anyway..wish everyone a FOOLISH DAY!
Don't let people cheat you back!xD..hahas!
If people cheat you, means you are dum!..hahas!jkjk..

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