Archie's Lucky Day!
Do you noticed why my title above wrote Archie's lucky day?
this is because once again we went to beach with Archie..
this fella too excited until we hard to catch him when he run..
so this time we went to Sepang Beach and had a picnic there..
We saw many people picnic there too..
especially the malays =.="
As for ths chinese they seldom come here to picnic..
cause everywhere you can see is rubbish![serious]
cause everywhere you can see is rubbish![serious]
thats the reason why chinese don't like to picnic xD
Woke up 11 in the morning..
and headed to Sepang beach..
the scenery was beautiful (:
so we set up a tent xD
our last photo =D
Around 4pm we packed our things and went back home..
Archie vomit 3 times today..pity him =(
The day before, went to parkson OUG with mom and sis..
there's a grand SALE and its for members only..haha..
mummy bought a new 3 quarter pants for me (:
during night time..daddy bring us out to parkson again..
and dad bought a new sport shoe for me (:
70% discount! so lucky today!thanks alot to mom and dad!
P/S : Christmas is around the corner! SHOPPING everyone!
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